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Practice Areas

04. State & Federal Drug Trafficking

State & Federal Drug Trafficking

State and federal drug trafficking cases are handled very differently as it relates to sentencing. Moreover, there have been numerous changes in the law in recent months affecting sentencing in drug cases.

Call Deb for a consultation.  As one of few Board Certified Specialists in Federal Criminal Law, she has the training, skills, trial experience and expertise acknowledged by our licensing agency to effectively help you.

If you or your family member are in pretrial detention, or are facing an imminent detention hearing in federal court, contact Deb at

919-931-2294 for a prompt response.

 30 Years of Experience

Request a Free Consultation

Unsure of how to deal with your legal position or what next steps you should be taking? Contact Newton Law and Deb will be more than happy to discuss it at no cost to you!

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